The Overland Trail in Wyoming

One of my life long
friends, Dan Kinnaman, is an author! He has written a book, entitled "A Little Piece of Wyoming". He has asked
me to help him promote the book on my webpage, and so I am doing as asked.
I can personally assure you, that Dan's book
is historically accurate and correct, as I can personally vouch that he has spent literally hours upon hours researching the records
of Carbon County at the Land Office, Clerk's Office, and District Court gathering his information.
Below, is a brief synopsis of his
book. If you have any questions, you can email Dan at Dkinnmn@trib.com, or to me at
WYCarbonCounty@lycos.com, and I will be sure to forward your requests, questions, and comments to him. Dan may also be reached via snail mail at:
Daniel L. Kinnaman
320 8th Street
Rawlins, WY 82301
Without further ado, I present you with a brief synopsis of Dan's new book:
"A Little Piece of Wyoming"
A Little Piece of Wyoming
by Daniel L. Kinnaman
ISBN No. 0-9658186-0-8 Library of Congress No. 97-072590
Printer: Jackalope Printing, Rawlins, Wyoming.
Style: Paperback, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 202 pages, including 5 pg bibliography,
7 maps, and 7 tables

This book is a history of the Overland Trail and the construction of the Union Pacific Railroad
in South Central Wyoming to 1869. Chapters pertain to Indians, Trappers, Gold-seekers, and the Mormon War period. The Overland Stage years are covered in a chapter
for each year from 1862 to 1867. The chapter for 1868 contains the events of the Overland Trail, as well as the construction of the railroad. Other chapters include
experiences and descriptions of Stage Stations, passengers and employees, Soldiers, Emigrants and Freighters, Ranchers and Hunters, and wildlife along the Trail. The last chapter covers
the events of 1869, the year that Wyoming became a Territory.
Among the places of interest mentioned and discussed in this book are: The Laramie Plains, Rock Creek,
the Medicine Bow and North Platte Rivers, Bridger Pass, and the dreaded Bitter Creek region.

The author is a third generation Rawlinsite, a graduate of Rawlins High
School, and the University of Wyoming. He has served as a member of the local School Board, the Wyoming State Board of Education, and two terms in the Wyoming House of
Representatives. He is also a past Trustee of the University of Wyoming. Mr. Kinnaman retired from the Auto Parts Business in 1996.
Book Price: $23.95 each; 5 or more books are $20.00 each.
A 24 page index is available for $3.50
Wyoming residents: Add 6% for Sales Tax ($1.44)
Governmental Institutions are tax free and may be billed when order is sent.
Shipping: $3.00 for the first book; $1.50 for each additional book
Payment: Check or Credit Card
Online Orders: Send to Dkinnmn@trib.com
Postal Order: Daniel L. Kinnaman, 320 8th Street, Rawlins, Wy. 82301
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